Organisation with Baptiste Guarry–Petit and Joseph Urbas of the annual reading workshop of the GETLLAC dedicated to the third part of Life and Action by Michael Thompson, Bordeaux University, October 28th.
Organisation of the conference of Rupert Read “Wittgenstein’s Liberatory Philosophy” – “La philosophie libératrice de Wittgenstein”, March 23rd.
Organisation with Alexandra Boucherifi, Baptiste Guarry–Petit, Gauvain Schalchli of the reading workshop “Ecological Crises and Criticisms of Extractivisms” for Ph.D and graduate students at Bordeaux Montaigne University.
Organisation of the online conference of Seloua Luste Boulbina “The Decolonization of Knowledges and the Problem of Extractivism” – “La décolonisation des savoirs et le problème de l’extractivisme” at Bordeaux Montaigne University. March 1st.
Organisation with Baptiste Guarry–Petit of the conference of Hervé Oulc’hen “Praxis, Materials, Counter-Finalities. Sartrian Perspectives” – “Praxis, matières, contre-finalités. Perspectives sartriennes” at Bordeaux Montaigne University, February 9th.
Organisation with Baptiste Guarry–Petit and Joseph Urbas of the annual reading workshop of the GETLLAC dedicated to the first two parts of Life and Action by Michael Thompson at Bordeaux Montaigne University, April 7th.
Organisation of the reading workshop “Ecological Crisis and Climate Justice” for Ph.D and graduate students at Bordeaux Montaigne University.
Organisation with Y. Arazam, J. Gombin, B. Le Foll of the reading workshop of the GETLLAC, Bordeaux.
Contribution to the organisation, with Y. Arazam, J. Gombin, B. Le Foll and H. Wagner of a reading of “The Search for Logically Alien Thought: Descartes, Kant, and the Tractatus” by J. Conant.
Organisation with J. Gombin, B. Le Foll and H. Wagner of a collective reading of Mind and World by John McDowell at Bordeaux University.
Organisation with J. Gombin, H. Wagner of a collective reading of The institutions of Meaning by Vincent Descombes and of texts of H. Putnam and R. Rorty at Bordeaux Montaigne University.
With Rupert Read (UEA), assistance for the organisation of the International Conference “The truth about ‘Post-Truth’”: a symposium drawing on Wittgenstein, Austin, and Others” at University of East Anglia, June 23.
Reviewer for the online Philosophical Review Klesis.
Organisation with J. Gombin, Q. Kammer, M. Ometiță, S. Shahid and H. Wagner of the International Symposium “Faces of Necessity” at UEA, with the support of Mind Association, British National History of Philosophy Association and SPH Laboratory, June 8-9.
Participants: J. Floyd (Boston U), J. Gombin (Bordeaux Montaigne University – SPH), Q. Kammer (Bordeaux Montaigne- SPH), Oskari Kuusela (UEA), J-P Narboux (Bordeaux Montaigne SPH), Mihai Ometiță (University of East Anglia), Rupert Read (University of East Anglia), Sidra Shahid (University of East Anglia), H. Wagner (Bordeaux Montaigne- SPH).
With Rupert Read (UEA), Organisation assistance for the conference cycle “Philosopher-kings?” at University of East Anglia:
- « Gandhi and Non-Violent Direct Action » par Shahrar Ali, February 10.
- « Being Brainy About Growth » par Andy Haldane, February 17.
- « Europe: Federal or Bust? » par Andrew Duff, March 3.
- « Anarchy in the UK » par Carne Ross, March 10.
Organisation with S. Demazeux, Q. Kammer, J.-P. Narboux and H. Wagner – Bordeaux Montaigne University – SPH of the International Symposium « La relativisation de l’a priori » / « The relativization of the a priori » at Bordeaux Montaigne University, October 1-2.
Participants : J. Floyd (Boston U.), M. Girel (ENS), Q. Kammer (Bordeaux Montaigne U. – SPH), J-P Narboux (Bordeaux Montaigne SPH – IUF), J. O’Shea (University College Dublin), S. Shieh (Wesleyan University), H. Wagner (Bordeaux Montaigne – SPH).
Organisation with Q. Kammer and H. Wagner of the International Workshop « Philosophie et Méthode » at Bordeaux Montaigne University, May 12.
Participants: Q. Kammer (Bordeaux Montaigne – SPH), O. Kuusela (UEA), Jean-Philippe Narboux (Bordeaux Montaigne SPH-IUF), M. Ometiță (UEA), H. Wagner (Bordeaux Montaigne – SPH).
Organisation with Q. Kammer and H. Wagner of the Agrégation Study Day « La négation » at Bordeaux Montaigne University, November 25.
Participants : N. Depraz (Rouen U.), C. Gauvry (Liège U.), C. Seron (Liège U.).
Organisation with Q. Kammer and H. Wagner, Bordeaux Montaigne U. SPH) of a collective reading of Authority and Estrangement by Richard Moran.
Organisation with O. Kuusela, J-P. Narboux, M. Ometiță and R. Read of the International Conference “Wittgenstein and Phenomenology” at University of East Anglia, June 11.
Participants: Thomas Bak (UEA), Oskari Kuusela (UEA), Denis McManus (University of Southampton), Jean-Philippe Narboux (Bordeaux Montaigne University – SPH / IUF), Mihai Ometiță (UEA), Rupert Read (UEA).
Organisation with O. Kuusela of the international conference “Readings of Carnap” at University of East Anglia, June 10.
Participants: Quentin Kammer (Bordeaux Montaigne U. – SPH), Oskari Kuusela (UEA), Henri Wagner (Bordeaux Montaigne U. – SPH).
Creation with Quentin Kammer, Jean-Philippe Narboux and Henri Wagner of the GETLLAC (Groupe pour l’Étude de Textes sur la Logique, le Langage et la Connaissance – Group for the study of Texts on Logic, Language and Knowledge) in the SPH research center (Université Bordeaux Montaigne).
Organisation with Q. Kammer, J.-P. Narboux, H. Wagner of the collective reading of Mind and the World-Order by C.I. Lewis.
Organisation with Q. Kammer, J-P. Narboux et H. Wagner, Bordeaux Montaigne of an International Symposium “Logique et esprit de clocher” (“Logic and Parochialism”) at Université Bordeaux Montaigne, April 2-3.
Participants : Valéry Aucouturier (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Juliet Floyd (Boston University), Quentin Kammer (Bordeaux III), Sofia Miguens (Universidade do Porto), Jean-Philippe Narboux (Bordeaux III), Peter Sullivan (University of Stirling), Charles Travis (King’s College London / Universidade do Porto), Henri Wagner (Bordeaux III).
GETLLAC – Groupe d’Études de Textes sur la Logique, le Langage et la Connaissance
2023-2024 Les vagues du langage par J. Bouveresse
2022-2023 Life and Action by M. Thompson
Phénoménologies et langues formulaires par C. Imbert
2021-2022 Life and Action by M. Thompson
2020-2021 The Search for Logically Alien Thought by J. Conant
Critique of Forms of Life by Rahel Jaeggi
Sélection de textes de Sartre et Lévi-Strauss
2019-2020 The Search for Logically Alien Thought by J. Conant
2018-2019 Mind and World J. McDowell
2017-2018 Les Institutions du Sens par V. Descombe
Selection of Texts of H. Putnam and R. Rorty
2014-2015 Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language by S. Kripke
2013-2014 Authority and Estrangement by R. Moran
2012-2013 Engagement and Metaphysical Dissatisfaction by B. Stroud
2011-2012 Mind and the World-Order by C. I. Lewis