(Foreseen) Title TBA, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy, University of Jena, July 23-26, 2025.
“Extractivism and Ecocide”, University of Coimbra, Aesthetics and Ethics of Nature, November 20th-22nd, 2024.
“Achievement and Completion: Dispositions in the Middle Works of Sartre and Wittgenstein”, University of Belgrade, Second Balkan Analytic Forum, October 16th, 2024.
“Fractals, Isomorphisms, Events, Methodology”, Fifteenth Biennial Congress of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, Vienna University, July 9th-12th, 2024.
“Not Something and not Nothing: Anscombe, Sartre and Wittgenstein on the Intelligibility of Action”, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy, Hartford and Middletown, June 27th–29th, 2024.
“What can Philosophy and Martial Art bring to each other?”, Conferência da Luta, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, May 23rd-24th, 2024.
“Decolonial Readings of the Works of Wittgenstein”, Wittgenstein Seminar, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris, March 2nd, 2024.
“Machines and Us: The Comparison of Machines and Humans at the Test of the Problematic of Solipsism”, First Web Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of the Sciences of the Mind, November 24th-25th & December 1st-2nd, 2023.
“Machines and Us: The Comparison of Machines and Humans at the Test of the Problematic of Solipsism”, First Balkan Analytic Forum, University of Belgrade, October 19th-22nd, 2023.
“Borders, Boundaries, Frontiers, Limits”, Discussions about “Borders”, Prishtina, September 15th-18th, 2023.
“Contemporary Readings and Problematics of Private Language”, Wittgenstein and Hegel on the Foundations of Logic, University of Vienna, September 11th-13th, 2023.
“The Notion of Negative Fact in the Early Works of Russell and Wittgenstein”, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 44th International Wittgenstein Symposium: 100 Years Tractatus, Kirchberg am Wechsel, August 6th-12th, 2023
“Description, Language, Other Minds, Reduction, and Phenomenology”, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin, 13-15 July, 2023.
“Çıkartmacılık ve ekokırım“, Ekokırım üzerine perşembe söyleşileri, 29 December 2022.
“How can existentialism address (neo-)imperialism?”, 27th Annual Meeting of the North American Sartre Society, American University, Washington D. C., 4th-6th November, 2022.
“Le besoin de démanteler l’extractivisme”, Interdisciplinary colloquium entitled “Travail, technique et nature dans l’Anthropocène: Une discussion politique entre marxismes et écologies”, Université de Paris, 2nd-3rd December, 2022.
“The Phrase and the Word”, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy, Shanxi University,山西大学, 6th-8th July, 2022.
“The Criticism of Solipsism in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus of Wittgenstein”, Study day “Lectures du Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus“, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris, October 9th.
“Elements of a Structural Analysis of the Event of September 11th 2001” International Conference entitled “The 9/11 ‘Event’” at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, September 30th-October 1st.
“Climate Justice, Skepticism and Perfectionism”, International Conference “Stanley Cavell: A Retrospective”, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan, September 23rd-24th.
“Liberatory Practices of Philosophy in an Age of Extractivism”, Online International Conference entitled “Existential Philosophy for Times of Change and Crisis: Freedom, Responsibility, and Equality”, August 26th-27th.
“Sartre and Wittgenstein on Determination”, Technical University of Istanbul (İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi), Istanbul, February 26th.
“The notion of Negative Fact in the Early Works of Russell and Wittgenstein”, International Wittgenstein Symposium 2019 entitled “Crisis and Critique: Philosophical Analysis and Current Events” at Kirchberg am Wechsel, August 4-8.
“Lewis and Friedman on the A Priori”, Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP), Boston, June 18th.
“The notion of Negative Fact in the Early Works of Russell and Wittgenstein”, International Conference “1918-2018. Themes and Problems from Russell & Wittgenstein” at Bordeaux Montaigne University, December 4-5.
Presentation of texts by Hilary Putnam during the seminary of GETLLAC (Group for the study of Texts on Logic, Language and Knowledge) at Bordeaux Montaigne University, December 20th.
Introduction to the talk of Joel Backström “The Truth about ‘Post-Truth’”, International Conference: “Post-truth: A Symposium Drawing on Wittgenstein, Austin, and Others”, University of East Anglia, June 23.
Introductory presentation to a session of the International Workshop “Wittgenstein & Primitive Thought” at Bordeaux Montaigne University April 11-13.
“Contingency in Early Sartre and Wittgenstein”, International Conference “Faces of Necessity” at UEA, June 9-10.
“Possession and Theft”, UEA, March 23rd
“Hegel, Marx and Sartre on Alienation”, UEA, March 13th
“Solipsism in Being and Nothingness”, Philosophy Society of UEA, February 12th.
“Arendt, Fanon and Sartre on Violence”, UEA, February 1st.
“Le Solipsisme dans L’être et le néant”, Intervention at the Agrégation Study Day on Sartre at Bordeaux Montaigne University, December 8.
“Lewis and Friedman on Traditional Conceptions of the A Priori” Intervention at the UEA postgraduate workshop, November 28.
“The Danger of Words”, Intervention at the Undergraduate Philosophy Society of UEA in collaboration with M. Ometiță and S. Shahid, November 21.
“Lewis and Friedman on Traditional Conceptions of the A Priori”, International Symposium “The Relativization of the A Priori” at Bordeaux Montaigne University, October 1-2.
“Introduction to the Problem with Totalizing Sense in Sartre and Wittgenstein”, SPH Laboratory Doctoral Study Day at Bordeaux Montaigne University, June 26.
“Questions and Completeness in Early Sartre and Wittgenstein”, 5th International Symposium of the Nordic Wittgenstein Society at University of Stavanger (Norway), May 30-31.
“Autonomy, Authority and Emancipation”, Doctoral Symposium “Figures et Dynamiques de l’Autonomie” at Bordeaux Montaigne University, April 16.
“In What Sense can a Fregean Conception of Logic leave room for Contextuality?”, response written in collaboration with H. Wagner to the intervention of B. Halimi “Logical Universality and Logical Radicality in Frege”, International Symposium Frege’s Logical Investigations, co-organized by Jean-Philippe Narboux (Bordeaux Montaigne SPH – IUF), Denis Perrin (Grenoble 2) et Bento Prado Neto (Sao Carlos), at Bordeaux Montaigne University, December 18-20.
“Interrogation and Complete Determinacy of Sense”, International Symposium “Sartrean Themes in Analytic Philosophy” at Université Bordeaux 3, May 27-28.
“The Solipsist and the World”, International Conference “Wittgenstein/Phenomenology” at University of East Anglia (Norwich), June 11.
“Sense and direction in the Tractatus and Being and Nothingness”, International Symposium “19th Biennial Conference of the North American Biennial Conference of the Sartre Society” at A&M University College (Texas), November 28-30.
“The problem with totalisation of sense in Sartre and Wittgenstein”, presentation at the PGR Workshop at University of East Anglia (Norwich), October 25.
“Language and System in Wittgenstein and Travis”, International Symposium “Logique et esprit de clocher” (“Logic and Parochialism”) at Université Bordeaux 3, April 2-3.
“The ‘Dream’ Concept”, introductory presentation of a Workshop during the International Symposium “The Legacy of Thompson Clarke” at Université Bordeaux 3, June 7-11.
“Renoncer à l’esprit de sérieux: Valeur et Responsabilité dans L’être et le néant” (“Renouncing to the Spirit of Seriousness : Value and Responsibility in Being and Nothingness”) at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, May 30 – June 1.